Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Updates, Updates!

Benjamin turned 13 months old yesterday!  I can't even believe it and while our "official" monthly photo shoots may have ended, I of course snapped away a million pictures on his 13 month birthday.  Benjamin's personality is just so fun these days.  I know those "terrible two's" are coming soon, Dr. Pope keeps telling me they start at about 15 months, but our sweet boy is still the same happy,silly, loveable, cuddly baby he has always been.  Reading books and brushing his teeth are still his favorites.  He continues to be a great sleeper with a 6:30 to 6:30 schedule and a morning nap at 9ish and afternoon nap around 1 or 2.  Benjamin isn't walking yet but is wanting to go off on his own, we are just working on that balance thing.  Benjamin loves to climb under stuff now- coffee table, under chairs, under the kitchen table, he is getting more and more adventurous everyday and is just so much fun.  I can't imagine how life could get any better!

Something else exciting that happened yesterday- we closed on our house!  We are officially homeowners!  We won't be moving until this weekend so I will post pictures this weekend of our house.

Something else, not as exciting, that happened yesterday (we had a busy day if you can't tell) we had to follow up with Dr. Pope from an appointment last week.  Benjamin had an infection in both ears last week and despite being on his antibiotics, still had a 102 fever on Friday so off to Dr. Pope we went Friday afternoon.  We followed up from that appointment yesterday to make sure that the antibiotic we switched to was working.  And it was- everything looks great!  Even though we had the first afternoon appointment, we still had to wait an hour, so below is how you entertain a 1 year old in a Doctor's office!

Check to make sure our throat is clear.

Read a few books.

Tear up the paper.

Look under the chairs.  Benjamin loves to bend down and look under stuff.

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