Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Few of my Favorite Things

About Benjamin at 2 years old!  I have probably said that every age is my favorite, but 2 is shaping up to be pretty fantastic!  Benjamin has his moments, don't get me wrong, but for the most part it is only when he is tired or frustrated and I can usually help the tired part with a longer nap, earlier bed time, etc.  So on to my favorite things...  Benjamin is SMART!  His teachers tell us daily how much he amazes them with what he knows or things he remembers, etc. and other teachers at his school tell us that as well.  It's my blog so I can brag on my baby if I want!  But seriously, he is SMART!  Of course, he knows his baby yoga and sign language but he has been doing that since about 12 months old.  His latest milestones  are counting to 10, saying all of his colors including grey, and identifying a huge variety of animals including vicunas and different types of birds.  He is such a talker too, which I love.  When I pick him up from school he tells me all about his day and all of his friends that he played with, calling them by their first and last name of course. =)   When we put him down for bed he sings most of his favorite songs with us which include:

E I Farm (Old McDonald had a Farm)
Quinkle Tar (Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)
Billy Goat (Hush Little Baby)
Baby Buga (Baby Beluga)
Monkeys (5 Little Monkeys)
Baa Baa (Baa Baa Black Sheep)
Bumble Bee (Baby Bumble Bee)
Fish Song (something I made up that he loves)
Pider (Itsy Bitsy Spider)

Yes, most of those songs we sing nightly and our bedtime routine probably takes longer than most, around 45 minutes, but I love the time together.  It cracks me up sometimes the different things that Benjamin says for Old McDonald, sometimes its a school bus, sometimes its people, sometimes its food or colors, and the funniest part is when you ask him what something sounds like, oh his imagination is coming out these days!

A few of my other favorite things...

How he says "love you too" when we tell him we love him.
The cute little way he says things:
apple goose (apple juice)
ala bar (granola bar)
era (zebra)
oh I could go on and on about my favorite things he says.

Benjamin amazes me everyday, his imagination is just taking off and that is evident in things he says and how he plays with toys now.  He is super smart and learns new things daily that just amaze us.  I'm so lucky that he chose me to be his Mommy.

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