Sunday, October 18, 2015

6 Months!

6 months and I just can't believe it.  I feel like just within the past month Thomas has grown so much.  We just started him on solids and to say that he loves food is an understatement.  He is a big boy and I know he was more than ready to start solid food.  He takes an 8oz bottle about every 4 hours and has either a fruit or vegetable in the evening.  So far he has had sweet potatoes, pears and peas and has loved it all!  He takes 3 naps a day now, a morning, afternoon, and late afternoon and goes down for the night around 630 or so.  Sleeping is going much better but he still usually wakes once at night.  Thomas is sitting up like a champ and is loving his new view of the world around him.  When we put him on his tummy he can scoot and turn anywhere he wants to go and I just know he can't wait to be on the move so he can keep up with his big brother.  Now that Thomas is sitting up Benjamin loves to play with him.  Their interaction with each other is so special and it makes my heart melt.  Thomas loves to jump in his jumperoo and loves to chew on anything and everything.  I am certain that his 1st tooth is not far off because he is a drooling machine and chews on anything he can get in his mouth.  He loves bath time and loves to kick his feet in the water.  Thomas gives the best kisses too.  When I pick him up at school in the afternoon he grabs my face with both hands and gives me the biggest and best open mouth kisses.  My sweet boy.  He is definitely a cuddler too.  In the mornings when we pick him up he just buries his face in our chest and it is the best way to wake up.  Thomas is babbling up a storm and I can't wait to hear what his first word will be.  I keep practicing Mama, Dada practices Dada, and Benjamin practices Ben with him so I am excited to hear what is first.  The past month has been so fun watching Thomas's personality develop and he is the happiest baby and has a similar personality to Benjamin.  He smiles all day long and is so happy.  He gives everyone the biggest, gummiest smile with his big ole dimple and it is the best. 

Happy 6 months, sweet baby boy, we love you!

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