Monday, November 16, 2015

7 Months!

I can not believe that our sweet baby boy is already 7 months!  I don't even know where the time has gone.  But I do know that Thomas is the most cuddliest, sweetest, 7 month old ever.  He is babbling up a storm and says "da da da" all the time.  He has started to say "mmma" and I know he will be saying "ma ma" in no time.  Thomas is sitting up like a champ and has started to try to go from sitting up to his stomach and when he is on his stomach he just scoots wherever he needs to go.  He tries, tries, tries to get up on his knees and I know it won't be long before he is on the move.  Thomas loves to play with Benjamin the most and the interaction between them is just the sweetest.  Thomas will just start smiling and babbling at Benjamin and Benjamin loves to give Thomas kisses and hugs.  It absolutely melts my heart.  Thomas loves to play with toys on the floor but I think he enjoys playing with Benjamin the most.  He has 2 teeth on the bottom and chews on anything and everything these days.  Thomas is eating fruits and vegetables once a day still and we will be moving to twice a day this month.  Sleeping is getting better and better and we can now just lay him down in his crib drowsy and he will fall asleep after a few minutes.  Thomas has been taking a morning nap around 9, an afternoon nap around 1 and usually still takes a short late afternoon nap around 330 or 4 and is in bed at 6:00 and wakes up around 630.  I still rock him for a few minutes at night before laying him in his crib and he just loves to be sung to.  As soon as I start singing he just gets the biggest smile.  He is truly the happiest baby smiling all day long at anyone and everyone.  He is such a social baby and his teachers at school tell us he just smiles all day long.  The last 7 months have been truly amazing and each day gets better than the last. 

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