Friday, December 18, 2015

8 Months!

On Wednesday Thomas turned 8 months old!  Can you believe it?!  I can't!  Thomas is getting so big, so fast!  He is thiiiiis close to crawling, he has gone forward with 1 arm and leg and I know once he figures out that if he moves the others he can go somewhere he will be on the move in no time.  Thomas continues to be a fantastic eater!  He takes a bottle 4 times a day and is eating food twice a day, usually late morning and early afternoon.  So far he has like everything that he has had, although, I don't think that peas and carrots are super high on his list of favorites!  The other day Benjamin gave Thomas a big piece of strawberry and he was just gumming away on it and he loved it!  Thomas is babbling all day long and his favorite word right now is "dada."  I know it won't be long before I get to hear "mama."  He loves patty cake and it is so cute to watch him clap his hands and smile.  And smile he does!  Thomas is THE happiest baby with the biggest, cutest, smile.  And he is the best snuggler.  He gives me the biggest hugs and open mouth kisses in the afternoon when I pick him up from school and I just love it.  Thomas's other favorite is his big brother, Benjamin.  These two love to play together and it is just the cutest.  Benjamin is so sweet with "his baby" always giving him kisses and sharing his toys or reading him books.  It is seriously the cutest.  And I know Thomas can't wait to be on the move and keeping up with his big brother.

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