Friday, January 10, 2014

12 Months!

Well, here we are- 1 year!  I sound like a broken record but, where did the time go?!

Ben is just so much fun these days. He is the fastest crawler I have seen and we are working on the walking thing.  He talks all day long and it sounds like he is speaking a foreign language!  Dada is still tops in his vocabulary but every now and then he will throw a "mama" in there and it just makes me so happy!  He is starting to ask questions, we can tell because he babbles and then his eyebrows go up at the end and he just looks at you, but I am not sure what he is asking.  We think he is asking where the dogs are but it remains a mystery.  Food is interesting these days because we are somewhere in between baby food and real food.  I try to give him different things everyday but most of it ends up on the floor with the exception of lasagna, which he scarfed down, and carrot souffle.  In the mornings we let Ben watch Sprout and so far Super Why! and Sesame Street are favorites. He loves to play with balls and going to the park is still tops. Ben is still taking 2 naps a day, 1 in the morning and 1 at night and is still a great sleeper.  Bed time is 6:00 p.m. and we don't hear a peep until about 6:30, although over Christmas break he slept until 7:30 or 8:00.  We read books and sing songs at night but for the most part Ben goes right to sleep on his own.  Ben is a happy, funny, social little thing and I love that he’s mine!

12 month photo shoot...

I just love this cuddly, snuggly, perfect little boy!

Happy 12 months sweet boy!  We love you!

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