Tuesday, October 7, 2014


As I said on Friday, we headed to Louisiana for the long weekend (we had a Fall holiday Friday) since Matt was competing in his Dad's canoe race.  Nana, Benjamin, and I headed to New Orleans early Friday morning while Dada was paddling away on the beautiful Bayou Teche.  We spent most of Friday at the Audobon Zoo in New Orleans.  It is such a beautiful zoo and it was especially nice with the great weather we had.  The Audobon Zoo had lots of different animals that we don't have at the Houston Zoo like gorillas, bears, and alligators so I loved that Benjamin got to see all of those animals. 

While we were at the zoo they had a "code blue" and we were ordered to stay inside a building.  Turns out the escaped animal was just a toucan, but we didn't mind the air conditioning and getting to do a little shopping.  =)  Benjamin got the cutest hat and of course a book. 



Such a fun day at the zoo!  After the zoo we checked into our hotel and standing in line behind me was Jimmy Graham who plays for the Saints.  Truth be told, I had no idea who the guy was but I knew he was a big deal because people kept asking for pictures.  Friday evening we had dinner at The Bon Ton Cafe which was recommended to us by Matt who had dined their with some clients and it was just as delicious as Matt described to me.  If you ever find yourself in New Orleans, I definitely recommend you try it.  I was a little nervous about how Benjamin was going to behave but he did AWESOME!  In fact, he did so well at every restaurant we went to all weekend.  We spent the rest of the evening shopping around the French Quarter and then finally went back to the hotel and had dessert and called it a night.  

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